Bakatue was the welcoming in of the fishing season. Local chiefs, elders, and stool carriers along with member of thier respective tribes march from the bottom of Elmina's main road to a lagoon right next to the Elmina Castle. I accidentally bumped into a woman and as I apologized I realized she was marching with on of the tribes. I asked if it were alright for me to join in the march and capture it all on camera. She was more that inviting. On the march up the hill I met the chiefs family. His mother, uncle , aunt and grandparents welcomed me as if i were one of their own and had me dancing all the way up the hill with them. When we got to the end, the chiefs uncle set me up in front of the elders to take pictures. climbed down to the edge of the water and got right up front. This was the type of thing I came to Ghana to witness. After offering the gods a meal of mashed yams and eggs, a net is cast several times to predict what the new fishing season will bring, symbolizing the opening of the season to all other fisherman aswell.
As we left the festival I discovered one of my home favorites. Sorrile; a hibiscus drink that cures just about they called it Bissap...and with that my day was complete.
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