Saturday, August 14, 2010

.:July 2::.

Today we had one of the most interesting lectures yet: Africa and appropriate technology. I loved the professor, the passion he had for the subject was a breath of fresh air, i could tell he really loved his country and how fed up he was with the system and westernization of the Ghanaian. Basically what I got out of it was; the world under western influence is dooming itself, nature is ignored in the design of everyday things, people in tropical climates are wearing hot pant suits to be like westerners while drinking hot coffee and depriving families of energy using their high powered air conditions. Technology and nature need to be paid closer attention too, ancient society invented ways to preserve their ways of life working in harmony with nature but the modern world has forgotten the lessons of the past in order to be more like those that enslaved them...its crazy. African countries (in fact most third world countries in general) have the labor and natural resources to be successful, all they lack is the technology and forward thinking because all their scholars what to do is get degrees and move to America and never really go back home to help. Mean while Americans and other developing countries think they are helping by donating western clothing making the problem worse and the money given to aid never really even leaves the country. Im convince that only Africans can save Africa..more people like Nnkruma and more Black Americans like Du Bois...but its like revolutionary thinking is out dated to people now... especially in my generation..

We visited several small compounds where the visiting professor was helping organize the teaching of crafts and self sufficiency. After that we went to a small place where woman were harvesting the Plam fruit. Its amazing the amount of stuff they can make out of that one fruit. This guy had some big ideas...all it takes is a few people to invest in them. An eco-friendlily Plam mill with local workers.

When the group got back we had a ton of free time so Rachel and I dipped to Kings Way where the Cape Coast Castle was. After walking around the whole town and wondering through the villages we ended up back on the beach fishing with some little kids. With a line and a rock weight its kind of hard to see how they ever caught anything. On the opposite side from the beach was a small line up of craft shops ran by all Rastas. Once they got past the fact that I wasn't there to buy anything from them they opened up and got really cool with me. Finding vegetarian food was a mission. Fortunetly enough for me a kid named Fish Bone ran a vegetarian cafe next to the Rastas. We talked for a while about music and food an America. He hooked me up with some red red which quickly became my favorite food. In the middle of the meal I heard some jimbes close by and walked around till I found were they came from. A high school dance group was practicing for an upcoming festival. The leader of the group was a Chinese Ghanaian..i wanted to ask him more about what his family was like but we didnt have time.

That night we watched the world cup Ghana versus Uruguay..they should have won...I was pissed.

After we went to the local gas station with the group to chill before we went to the near by night club which was in the Elmina Beach Resort. I was so at home, every one could dance. These kids were all around me popping and house dancing, up rocking, I know they probably might have not knows what any of those were but me being a dancer, thats what we call it at home. EVERY one could dance...its such a big part of us as a people in the diaspora and it showed me that so much of myself was much of who I am comes from this place..

The club was cool too. really small and chill with good local music. Its more about dancing and enjoying yourself then clubs at home were everyone just wants to be so close to each other focusing on sex making it hard to actually have fun, especially if you really dont want to dance with anyone...

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