Saturday, August 14, 2010

.:July 10:Koo Nimo and the market:.

On the way to meet the legendary Ghanaian folk artist Ko Nimo Ansa (Daniel Amponsah), I couldn't help but be annoyed by the number of adds for skin lightning cream, they were every where. Always featuring a light skin model with a wavy weave on. It felt like kind of in insult, in a country full of various shades of beautiful brown and black skinned women..they are still pushing undertones of white supremacy introduced during slavery.

Koo Nimo was the man. His dancers reminded me so much of the dancing I used to do at home; Krumping. Its a street dance but not alot of people know what that is still despite the fact that its mainstream now. Anyways..this guy set up a clan of artist to take over after him. Its a shame not alot of people honor legends like they used to. His top guitar student George offered to give me privet guitar lessons after..but first we went to the market.

After riding the tro tro for like 10 minutes we stopped at a HUGE market. It was like street markets at home times 100..everything was divided up like before but this one had two versions of the same market; the Muslim side and the Christian side. everything was so much cheaper in the Kumasi market too. Gold, soap and shea butter was all cheaper than in Cape Coast. We both got really tired of that place pretty fast and headed out.

Back to the hotel then off to find George. My lesson was great, we chatted and exchanged music then headed off to the hotel. I wish Kumasi lasted longer. I had to learn how to say black in Fanti cause I was SO tired of being called Obruni (white)

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